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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  March 27, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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tonight. i'm chris wallace in washington. keep it right here on fox where more news is always on the way. >> shepard: this is "the fox report." tonight, landslides forcing people out of their homes as their backyards fall away into a cliff. plus, the supreme court taking on another gay marriage case. this time it's about a federal law that defines marriage as something between only one man and one woman. tonight, new arguments over quality. >> give her room, guys. >> the story of the woman who started it all. blade runner oscar pistorius accused of shooting his magazine-model girlfriend. now his brother's on trial for killing another woman. tonight, the strange case
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of karl pistorius. cities were supposed to use cameras for traffic enforcement. officials are talking about expanding that plan. >> a lot of concern about not surveillance structure of a surveillance society. >> once you walk out of your door and walk down the sidewalk you lose that expectation of privacy. >> shepard: tonight, camera controversy and who is recording you. but, first from fox this wednesday night. the u.s. supreme court considering whether the federal government should get to define marriage for everybody. and whether the feds should get to decide whether your marriage is real based solely on your partner's gender. just one day after arguments on california's gay marriage ban, the nine justices of the u.s. supreme court took on the federal defense of marriage act or doma. it recognized only those marriages between one man and one woman. an important definition when it comes to more than 1100 benefits and
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protections that married straight couples are eligible to receive. and that gay couples are not. tax breaks, survivor benefits, health insurance and so much more. the bill easily passed congress back in 1996 and then president clinton signed it into law. but times have certainly changed since then. attitudes have too. for instance justice elena kagan read from a 1996 congressional report that explained the law existed to, quote, express moral disapproval of homosexuality. today nine states and washington, d.c. allow. justice kennedy the potential swing vote on the court questioned whether the federal government has the authority to regulate marriage. >> you are at real risk of running in conflict with what has always be the essence of the state police power which is to regulate marriage, divorce, custody. >> shepard: justice baird
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ginsburg says the law as it stands creates two separate versions of marriage. one full version for straight couples and for gay couples, as she put it, a sort of skim milk marriage. shannon bream covers the court for us. she is live there tonight. shannon, explain what justice ginsburg was saying there. >> she says based on the laws that now stand doma precludes same sex couples even if they're legally married in their home state from getting numerous federal benefits. this is what she said. >> every aspect of life, your partner is sick, social security, i mean, it's pervasive. it's not well there is this little federal sphere and it's only a tax question. as justice kennedy said 1100 statutes and it effects every area of life. she wound up asking what kind of marriage is that? >> the justices even questioned whether they
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should be hearing this case. >> some twists and turns in this case. as you know when the case began the obama administration was defending doma and then it flipped and said we are not going to defend it anymore. but we are going to continue to enforce it that whole rigamarol really upset some the justices who were upset with the administration for handling it this way. here is what justice scalia said. >> i'm wondering if we're living in this new world where the attorney general can simply decide yeah, it's unconstitutional but it's not so unconstitutional that i'm not willing to enforce it. if we're in this new world, i don't want these cases like this to come before this court all the time. >> of course, you know once the the obama administration decided not to defend it a group of house members took it up and debated whether they even had the authority to do that once again for the second day that the row they may not get on the merits of this issue.
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>> shepard: the president spoke on this issue a short time ago. >> he has been evolving and can't predict what the court will do but here is what he hoped. >> i think people should respect everybody's different opinions on this issue. but, when it comes to the law, everybody should be equal before the law. >> what the justices think sometime between now and the end of june, shep? >> shepard: shannon bream at the court tonight. the court is hearing this equal rights case because a now 83-year-old woman from new york filed suit after her long-time wife died. her name is edith windsor. she married her partner in canada in 2007 after a relationship and engagement that lasted four decades. doctors said at the time she was dying and she did die two years later leaving edith windsor everything. had u.s. federal law recognized their marriage, edith windsor would have paid no taxes on the inheritance. because of the same sex only law for marriage here in the u.s. the federal government demand more than $360,000.
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that's when edith windsor sued. the fundamental question. doesn't she deserve the same rights guaranteed by the constitution as every other married person? her fight is the case that made it all the way up to the supreme court. edith was all smiles outside of today's proceedings if you would like to listen to today's arguments in their entirety we have posted a link on the front page of the earth beneath the home giving way as a landslide cuts a huge chunk out of some shoreline property. look at this. the backyard is now gone. folks in the area say they heard a noise like thunder around 4:00 in the morning. happened on an island 30 miles north of seattle. heavy rocks, debris, fallen trees, took out a road, destroyed at least one home. dozens on that hillside have r. at risk. red cross relief center for folks though had to evacuate loghts of them. moisture in the ground may
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have caused it. but they are not sure. nobody was hurt. attorneys for the suspected shooter in the aurora, colorado movie massacre client is guilty and serve the rest of his life in prison if he can avoid the death penalty. the man is james holmes. he is accused of killing 12 people and wounding 70 others when he opened fire at the midnight premier of the dark knight rises movie. some of those wounded, paralyzed or badly maimed. prosecutors have not yet signaled whether they will accept this deal but the offer comes just days before they were expected to announce whether they would seek the death penalty. should prosecutors accept this plea agreement, it means the case could end much sooner than expected. but defense attorneys say they are still exploring an insanity defense should prosecutors turn down this deal and move forward with trial. the parents of the gunman who shot the former gunman gabriel giffords were so worried about his strange behavior, gave him a drug test, took away his gun and disabled his car.
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that is just some of what we just learned from thousands of documents that the sheriff's department released just today. police say jared lee loughner killed six people and wounded a dozen more including congresswoman giffords. she is still recovering from that gunshot to the helped. the shooting happened more than two years ago at a shopping center in tucson. witnesses say they tackled jared lee laughner when he was reloading. documents revealed people in the crowd were yelling "kill him." loughner pleaded guilty he is serving seven life sentences in missouri. that's why the judge says he is allowing the release of these documents now. trace gallagher has looked over them from our west coast news hub. trace, an officer stopped this guy, laughner, right before the shooting, huh? >> he was a fish and game officer, shep. pulled him over for running the red light. when the officer told jared loughner he was not giving him a ticket. he said loughner thanked him and cried and said he was having a rough time. he he went home and his dad
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saw him pull a black bag out of the car and stuff something in his pocket. he asked him what it was. he ran off. the father chased him but couldn't catch him. he took a cab from the circle k to the gateway and was greeted by daniel hernandez who handed loughner a clip board to sign in. instead of shooting broke out. here is hernandez at the time. remember? >> when i got to where the congresswoman was, the first thing did i was to try to see who was still alive by checking for pulses and also checking to see who was still breathing. >> he later told police, quoting here: i then asked her if shield hold on to my hand, um, and if she could hear me to just squeeze and she was squeezing my hand. and that's when police say the crowd began yelling for them to kill loughner instead they subdued him, shep, as he was trying to reload. >> shepard: all of this from the documents released today. trace, we are learning more about what people around him say was really erratic behavior in the weeks before the shooting. >> leading up to the shooting, jared loughner had lost his job. he had been kicked out off
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schools. hits parents say he stopped talking all together and began writing these scripts in his journal. police say he researched extremist activity on the internet. began spray painting extremist symbols on walls and began showing friends his guns saying that it was home defense. another friend says that loughner began sending him very strange text messages and the night before the shooting left him a voice mail that said, and i'm quoting here: hey, it's -- this is jared. um, i had some very good times and, peaceout. later. that was 10 hours before the shooting. shep? >> trace gallagher in our west coast news hub. after that shooting and the one in new town, connecticut the widespread thinking in the country was something has to be done. the supporters thought that was the time. now we know support for new gun control laws is starting to fade. coming up, the polls that prove it and how this could effect the administration's effort to tighten restrictions on some deadly
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weapons. and how would you like to be able to deposit all the checks you want but cash not a single one of them? that's the new law of the land in country country. and you will see how that's going over. from the journalists of fox news on this wednesday fox report. if youthen this willbrids arbe a nice surprise. meet the 5-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max come. c-max go. c-max give a ride to everyone it knows. c max has more passenger volume than competitor prius v
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how old is the oldest person you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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>> shepard: we're closer to having fewer options when we fly now. a federal judge today signed off on the merger of american airlines and u.s. air waist. it's an 11 billion-dollar deal. now it still needs approval from the feds and the shareholders so it's not done. it's expected to go through later this year it would create the biggest airline in the entire world. it would be the fourth such merger in recent years. as we have seen with those other deals, airline mergers result in reduced flights, and higher prices for passengers. it was a mixed day on wall street as occurrence over the global economy quickly pushed stocks lower this afternoon. you will be able to see the dow dropped 120 points after the opening bell it rallied but later ended in
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the red. down 33. nasdaq actually up a few. the s&p 500 off a point. meanwhile investors are still keeping an eye on the island nation of cyprus and elsewhere in europe. we have team fox coverage tonight. we will get to greg palkot who is live for news cyprus tonight. first let's get to fox business network. italy has been a huge issue in all of. this can't form a government. had an election a month ago. still not settled, up in the air. the italian bond yields are going through the roof. creating concerns for other markets. you think about cyprus yes, a problem. italy now in the crosshairs, too. >> shepard: even with all of this drama in europe stocks are right at record territory. >> s&p 500 five points off the all time high set back on october 9th, 2007. can't seem quite to make it through that some day it will. we're short in trading week because of the holiday this week. i'm not sure if it's going to happen now. >> shepard: european flight to quality into our good situation. >> could happen treasury not stock. >> shepard: that's true.
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gerri willis, thank you. i mentioned cyprus and will continue to do so. there the banks are set to reopen in a few hours. most of them. residents can expect some really unbelievable restrictions when they try to get their money. think of this. folks will be able to deposit checks all they want, but they can't cash them. there is also a limit on how much money they can take out of the country itself. about the equivalent of $3,800 for each person. of course, officials are trying to prevent an immediate run on the banks. some experts say they are going to be an even bigger trouble with an even bigger run once these limits are gone. greg palkot with the news. he is live in cyprus capital city tonight, greg? >> shep, authorities are now saying that the banks here will reopen four hours later than usual. around noon on thursday. that should make some anxious people here even more anxious. among those tight controls trying to prevent any run on the banks, severe limits on electronic transfers out of this country. limits on cash withdrawals.
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restrictions on credit card use. while this is supposed to be temporary, it looks like the big depositors at the two big troubled banks here might have to wait a long time to see any of their money if they see it at all. we have seen a lot of angry crowds here in the past week and posing more problems private security guards are being deployed around the country to various banks. extra police details were dispatched to the central bank. 1.5 billion euros were flown in today. more could be on the way. by the way, we were speaking with one manager at one bank tonight. we asked that person why they were opening late on thursday they said they still had to go through all the details of all the restrictions. it could be a very rocky day here on thursday. shep, back to you. >> shepard: greg palkot live for us in cyprus. a fox urgent now and prosecutors in the state of georgia have just indicted a paver teenagers, indicted them for the incredible shooting death of a
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13-year-old baby boy in his stroller. the new information on this case is coming next. plus, the laws in one state forbid the police from using the red light cameras to investigate other crimes. that's the law. it's for reds light tickets only. but now and out of nowhere a judge has ruled that police can use those cameras to try to solve another crime. public safety, plus, against a promised right-to-privacy. that's coming up. what's droid-recognition ? understanding you clearly... what is the capital of zimbabwe ? ... the first time you ask with the google voice search. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid recognition. droid powerful.
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>> shepard: a grand jury in georgia today indicted one. teenagers accused of shooting to death a baby in a stroller last week. that indictment charges a 17-year-old with shooting this 13 month old boy in the face while trying to rob the child's mother. earlier this week, the
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suspects were in court for their first appearances before a judge. the other suspect is 15. they face a combined 18 counts, including flown murder. the indictment also charges the 17-year-old suspect seen here with trying to rob a man at gunpoint and shooting that man in the arm. the brother of the south african olympic hero accused of murdering his model girlfriend was in court today. that brother pleaded not guilty to his own charges of culpable homicide in a crash that killed a woman on a motorcycle. of course, the so-called blade runner oscar pistorius is accused of shooting to death his girlfriend after a valentine's day argument. he has pleaded not guilty. he is right now out on bail. investigators say the timing of his older brother's trial is purely coincidental. prosecutors accuse karl pistorius, the brother of driving recklessly at the time of that deadly 2008 coalition. the woman on the motorbike died six days later. karl pistorius claims it was all a tragic accident. his brother, the blade runner was not there in court today.
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but karl pistorius, that's he he on the left there, sat behind the track star at every one of his murder hearings just last month. police in more than 530 american cities and towns used those controversial red light cameras to ticket us drivers who might run the red. now, some lawmakers say they want them available to investigate other crimes like murder. a judge in washington state, for instance, sparked this debate by signing off on a police request for a video from a red light camera to look into the stabbing death of this woman. she was walking along a street at the time. the judge issued the warrant even though the law was very clear. it bans investigators from using the video for anything other than traffic violations. now, if lawmakers approve the bill, police would still need a warrant, but privacy advocates say this could violate people's rights. dan springer has more from our seattle newsroom. this has some big implications, dan. >> yeah, it sure does, shep. it can make the difference between catching a killer or not. in fact, in the different case than seattle, cops say
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not being able to look at a video from a red light camera a few blocks from a murder scene last year has stalled their investigation. they have a picture of the suspect's car. but not the license plate. and so, nicole westbrook's killer remains on the loose. police say if they can get a judge to sign a search warrant they should be able to access the video evidence. >> it can mean the difference not only solving the case but also making sure that we're getting some of the most dangerous criminals off our streets. >> and the aclu says it would expand police powers too much. shep? >> shepard: it's not just washington state here, right? >> oh, no. this is being watched all over the country. right now 25 states allow for red light cameras and their use is is growing as cities see them as a way to raise revenues. many of the states cops can already use the videoed to catch criminals. privacy advocates say there is a slippery slope. >> law enforcement always wants more and more powers. and that's understandable. but, when you start putting it all together, it does
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create a system of tracking where people go, and what they're doing. and who they associate with. >> and the bill in washington passed the state house and is awaiting action in the senate. shep? >> shepard: dan springer in seattle. war could break out at any moment. that's a quote. and a warning from north korea as it cuts off a key line of communication with the outside world. we'll get reaction from the white house. and the supreme court decides or i should say decides, yes, whether customers can team up to sue the cable company. what do you think of that? what it could mean for your cable bill. that's coming up as we approach the bottom of the hour and the top of the news as fox reports live tonight. [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness?
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row ward for california's excop got smaller several donors have backed out. that suspect, christopher dorner shot and killed four people including two police officers before he killed himself last month as law enforcement moved in on him in the mountains of southern california. multiple sources report that two parties have since stepped forward to claim their reward. the camp ranger who said the suspect hijacked his pickup truck. and the husband and wife who said the suspect tied them up, then stole their car. well, here is the issue. during that manhunt, law enforcement had said the reward was for the gunman's capture and conviction.
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terms it was not possible to meet. since the suspect died before he could enter a courtroom. thought mayor of riverside, california says that's why he pulled the $100,000 from the reward. and the source tells the "los angeles times" newspaper other donors may follow suit. but a spokeswoman for the los angeles mayor told the newspaper the reward will eventually go out and his office will ensure it does not drop below a million dollars. i'm shepard smith. this is the fox report. it's the bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news. support for gun control laws, more of them, has faded. more than three months after the massacre at sandy hook elementary that's according to the latest polling which includes our own fox news survey. it shows 85% of americans say they favor universal background checks. and more than half support assault weapons ban. but those numbers have fallen since january. and senate majority leader harry reid now says he dropped the assault weapons ban from the gun control bill because the ban does not have the votes it needs
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to pass. it's a top story at the bottom of the hour. ed henry is on it at the white house this afternoon. what's the thinking about the loss of steam on this, time passing? >> that's right, shep. largely because time has passed, it's now today, been 1 days since the president was at sandy hook and basically went to new town connecticut and delivered that very moving speech at the memorial service. and vowed that he was going to take action. as time passes, there is less pressure on congress. and now there are three republican senators threatening a filibuster when this legislation comes up in the senate in the next few weeks. one of them, mike lee said today, the reason why they have picked up steam is this is about the second amendment. take a listen. >> whenever there is a constitutional right at stake, i think it's important for us to utilize every procedural tool we have at our disposal to make sure that those rights are not taken away from the american people casually. >> now, the president has insisted, again and again, that this is not about taking guns away from lawful citizens and we're
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told by white house officials he will come out tomorrow, first time he has done this in a pew weeks and talk here in the east room about gun control. and he is going to have some moms of some shooting victims to try and make the case. a clear attempt by the white house to seized mantel back again because they realize they are loading it, shep. >> shepard: what's the thinking that the white house is going to get a slimed down version? >> probably universal background checks. when you look, you mentioned the polling, our polling, cbs news polling, others suggesting there is overwhelming support for universal background checks. they are likely to get that. then vice president joe biden did a conference call today with some mayors who are pushing for gun control. he seemed to suggest by saying this is just the beginning that they might not get an assault weapons ban. they might have to come back down the road and do that take a listen. >> the assault weapons ban and the limitation on the size of magazines, let me say this as clearly as i can. this is just the beginning. we believe that weapons of war have no place on our
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streets. >> and, in fact, the president's outside campaign group organizing for action, they are having a national day of action tomorrow dealing with gun control and interesting that they're focusing on background checks which they think they can get through. they are not talking so much about a ban on assault weapons. that appears like it's not going to pass, shep. >> shepard: ed henry at the white house tonight. thanks. a judge in connecticut today agreed to blackout parts of documents. documents that could give us new insight into that sandy hook shooting. the rest of those records are set to go public tomorrow. among the sensorred information entire paragraphs of a search warrant and the name of one witness. those search warrants have been sealed since the massacre happened back in december when the gunman killed 20 first graders and six adults along with them. we will tell what you those records reveal tomorrow. get used to paying too much for cable. the supreme court tossed out a class action lawsuit
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which claimed the cable provider comcast overcharged its customers. analysts say the ruling could make it much harder for anybody to file such lawsuits in federal court. customers claim comcast ran a monopoly in the philadelphia area and unfairly raised its prices. lawsuit also presented four different theories how comcast bulked its customers out of $900 million. a lower court certified the lawsuit's class action status but the nation's top court ruled 5 to 4 that to get that certification, plaintiffs had to link a single theory to specific damages. hours ago, the president watched as vice president biden swore in a woman whose job includes protecting their lives. she is julia pierson, the new director of the secret service. the first woman to run that agency in its history. >> this person now probably has more control over our lives than anyone else. except for our spouses. and i couldn't be placing our lives in better hands
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than julie's. >> pierson takes over a year after the agency dealt with a major prostitution scandal in colombia that dealt with more than a dozen employees. north korea a country we know as a hermit kingdom taken another step 20 cut itself off from the rest of the world. north koreans have seaferred military hotline to south korea. and the north koreans warn that war could begin at any moment. this is but the latest from the dictator there. kim jong un. kim the younger who has ramped up his rhetoric to armageddon levels. dennis rodman's best buddy recently threatened to nuke washington and tore up the 60-year-old cease-fire that suspended the korean war. >> the north koreans are not going to achieve anything through these threats and provocations. and they are only going to further isolate the north koreans and undermine international efforts to bring peace and stability to northeast asia. >> the united states stands
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ready to protect itself and its allies. here we go again, "the fox report's" correspondent jonathan hunt is here. we have heard about north koreans cutting off communication lines before. what's different this time. >> the hotlines that we velt with before dealt with issues such as humanitarian concerns. the shutting down of today's hotline was one that dealt with direct military-to-military contact between north and south korea for instance a statement read on state tv today said in part not words but only arms will work on the u.s. and the south korean pull put forces. the will of the army and the people of the democratic people's republic of korea, north korea to you and me. the practical, physical, counter action. so obvious concerns when they are talking like this once again. shep. >> shepard: they are
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talking about war. does anybody think they really are going to start a war? >> nobody thinks they are seriously going to start a war directly with the united states by lobbing some sort of long range missile in our direction. that of course, would be suicide. but, here is the problem. in the north, you have kim jong umn, a young unproven leader trying to shoat generals there how tough he is you have the hard line generals trying to flex their own military muscle. and then on the south side of the border, you have a new south korean president, perhaps trying to prove herself, the concern is that in those circumstances, with so many people trying to prove so much, someone might inadvertently and literally pull a trigger which could cause a -- across that whole region. >> shepard: jonathan, thank you so much. a bomb exploded only a few hundred yards from one of greece's popular tourist destination. the acrop police in thens. the area was packed with families and other tourists
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at the time. but nobody was hurt. and the bomb didn't do a whole lot of damage. the blast went off right outside the home of a greek shipping magnate who had previously served as a board member for the struggling bank of cyprus. sidewalk collapsed swallows a security guard. look at this. this sink hole not in florida but near a construction site in southeastern china. the property manager says the ground suddenly gave way and pulled guy right into the gapping hole. the guard passed out during rescue efforts and later died at the hospital. one official claims the property developer was digging at the construction site without a permit. the u.s. marines are sending out elite rapid response teams to combat threats around the world. and it comes amid ongoing criticism of our military response in benghazi. the details on that live from the pentagon. plus, heads up. you may soon need to replace your map of the united states.
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because one of our states is trying to redraw its borders. vision goggles. it's marching to the beat of a different drum. meets brains. it's big ideas with smaller footprints. and knowing there's always more in the world to see. it's the all-new lincoln mkz. who sells those remote control helicopters at the mall. buy'em or don't. whatever man. either way, he gets to fly helicopters all day. i'm talking da vinci style flying machines! he's dating kayla, the lotion girl. able bodied athleticism. here's his buddy marco, who's got the hot water for his velveeta shells & cheese.
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forces close enough to to launch a rescue operation. the attack killed the u.s. ambassador there chris stevens plus the state department official sean smith and two form are navy seals tyrone woods and gene doherty. jen griffin is at the pentagon. do we know why this is happening now? >> for one the war is winding down in afghanistan. marines have been asked to fight in desert wars during the past 12 years. now they are getting back to doing what they did in the past. special operations teams composed of 14 marines would now be placed on navy ships. this will position the marines to serve as critic reaction units worldwide. given the growing number of contingencies. also in the benghazi attack occurred, the military was criticized heavily for not moving a reaction force in faster or having units in a better position to help. >> it's a great idea. all we are really seeing is the marine corps return to its roots as a maritime service. the marine corps has spent so much time involved in land wars in afghanistan and iraq the marines really didn't have the ability to put their special forces on
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ships. >> this idea will be tested by the pentagon in a war game next month. shepard. >> shepard: i asked about the timing, jennifer, because clearly sierra has been a huge problem for a couple of years. some wonder if this couldn't be some prepositioning for somebody that might need the help. >> not according to congressman mike rogers who is the head of the house select intelligence committee. >> really, this is just a prudent placement of resources. no one should read that this is -- this means that marines will be on the ground in syria or anything like that. what it does mean is that we're in a better position, if there does something like benghazi happen, or maybe mali or niger where we have certain types of operations going on. >> marines have been serving as a quick reaction force at sea for about 200 years, shepard. according to marine officials, this is not a new mission. >> shepard: we shall see. jennifer griffin at the pentagon tonight. speaking of syria, the rebels there today delivered a new blow to the syrian government that is
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murdering its own people. the opposition opened its first embassy in the gulf nation of qatar. it's a huge diplomatic victory for the syrian national coalition as they call it which more than 100 nations now recognize as the legitimate representative of the syrian people. but the group's leader today called for the world to do more. to help the opposition win the civil war. the united nations reports that conflict has led to the death of 70 million men women and children. russia and iran blasted the opening of that embassy. cameras captured the moments of panic as a deadly earthquake rocks several cities and that tops our news around the world in 80 seconds. taiwan, the magnitude 6.1 quack struck the north and central parts of the building. damaging homes and buildings. one person died when a wall collapsed on a 72-year-old woman. several other people hurt. a falling rock crushed a
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car in one city but the driver reportedly escaped with just minor injuries. china. days of torrential rain, streets and flooded buildings stranding dozens of people in the central province. rescuers carried victims to safety on their backs. trudging through waters mixed with waste. that had come up through the sewers. australia. fast-moving wildfires raging across the southeast. more than 150 firefighters battled the flames amid strong winds as water dropping aircraft fought the thing from above. at last check, at least four people hurt, three of them members of the fire crews. united kingdom. just in time for easter, a massive, partly fossilized egg from the extinct elephant bird set to hit the auction block in london. scientists say it's the largest egg any animal ever laid. some 120 times the size of a chicken egg. experts say it could fetch
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around $45,000. that's a wrap on this fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. around the world is brought to you by the verizon share everything plan. >> cops say video from a skydiver's helmet cam shows him trying to help another skydiver moments before both of them died. we will have the new details ahead. plus the world's biggest automakers are showing off their latest rides at the new york auto show. and a new minivan with a rather old fashioned gadget may have stolen the show. a minivan? come on. we're here! we're going to the park! [ gina ] oh hey, dan!
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i really like your new jetta! and you want to buy one like mine because it's so safe, right? yeah... yeah... i know what you've heard -- iihs top safety pick for $159 a month -- but, i wish it was more dangerous, like a monster truck or dune buggy! you can't have the same car as me! [ male announcer ] now everyone's gointo want one. let's get a jetta. [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today.
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>> shepard: the judge today cancelled proceedings in the murder trial of the woman accused of shooting her exboy stabbing him and
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soliciting his throat. the case will resume tomorrow. jodi arias admits she killed travis alexander in 2008. she can't remember the stabbing and throat soliciting part -- slitting part. claims it was self-defense. she faces the possible death penalty if convicted. a detective in florida says a sky diving instructor died a hero for giving his life as he tried in vain to open another jumper's parachute. the two men were sky diving on saturday outside tampa for their third jump of the day they jumped separately not in tandem. they did not return. search crews found their bodies in some woods. investigators say they viewed video from the instructor's helmet cam and that it shows the instructor trying to pull the other man's rip cord. they couldn't hear anything at 120 miles per hour it was just wind noise. unclear why neither jumper opened the main chute. the backup chutes deployed automatically but too late. not often that a minivan is
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the star of an auto show. but these are unusual times in which we live. the 2014 honda odyssey cannot fly. it does not get 100 miles per hour nor will it make you look cool for driving a minivan. but it does have one feature that every parent can probably appreciate. it comes equipped with a built-in vacuum cleaner. at long last a minivan that's supposed to suck. rick leventhal with the news joint chief of staff very much center here new york city. show us how this sucking vacuum cleaner works, rick. >> the honda motor company calls this the ultimate family vehicle it seats 8. it has a power door lift here. it's got an entertainment system. wide screen that can show two movies at once. and, yes, it has a vacuum cleaner right here in the back. with a hose that can reach inside the entire vehicle and, check this out o. goldfish cereal, no match for this vacuum cleaner. that was developed in vacunction with shop
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in the back of your honda odyssey. this vehicle top of the line $44,000, shepard. >> shepard: you would be so fresh. there is some over-the-top lux are luxury. >> new york is the biggest luxury car market in america. a lot of luxury cars unveiled at the auto show today including the rolls royce race. this is a very powerful vehicle. the most powerful by rolls ever 6.6-liter v 12. 624-horsepower. 0 to 60 in 4.4 seconds. every car built from scratch in 600 hours by hand designed for speed style and comfort says rolls with coach doors that open in reverse. much easier in and out and also very much about what i would call the you mentioned pulling up to a valet parking with that car in front of a hotel and you are opening the door like that. this is how to exit a rolls royce, yeah?
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>> the sticker price on the rolls royce is $300,000. >> shepard: shep suicide doors, don't try that in this city. >> they won't open past 4 miles per hour. >> that's a miracle. tell the cab coming in the other directions that. thanks so much. a record setting performance on court last night as one college women's basketball star slams her way into the history books. not only that she apparently found the time to tweet about it in the middle of the whole thing. it's astounding out of baylor. hang on. ♪ i'm your venus [ female announcer ] what does beauty feel like? find out with venus embrace. every five-bladed stroke gives you 360 degrees of smooth
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for goddess skin you can feel and feel. ♪ i'm your venus only from venus embrace. male anner ] were you more interesting in your twenties, or now? when you we starting out? or after a few dedes working in some well-worn character? experience makes you wiser for the wear. and now come the richer possibilities. [ children laughing ] aarp. an ally for real possibilities.
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do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess with cialis. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting morehan four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. >> shepard: man history last night in the ncaa tournament and 6'8" center has become the first woman ever to record three dunks in a single game. she is baylor's britney griner got her first dunk shortly before halftime. she tweeted her intentions and the post read i need two more dunks on home court for the best crowd ever. during the second half that's what she did.
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slammed in two more in a 79-second span. finished the game with 33 points. top seeded baylor won in a blowout advancing to the women's sweet 16. former president george w. bush was there congratulated her after the win. britney griner, wow. before we go our team's top five things of the day. number five actress ashley judd decided not to run as a democrat in the senate candidate in kentucky next year. number four, prosecutors in brazil say a doctor killed up to 300 patients to free up some hospital bzdelik a court ruling cannot adopt a girlfriend. possible attempt to dip into the trust fund. prosecutors have yet to accept a plea deal in movie massacre. the suspect will plead guilty but serve only life and avoid the death penalty. number one, supreme court justices hearing arguments on the second gay marriage case in two days. this one dealing with the
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federal laws and benefits. and that's "the fox report's" top five and on this day in the year 1987, the irish rock band youtube brought downtown los angeles to a grinding halt. performing a short concert on the roof of a liquor store. at the time, bono and the lads were one of the biggest bands on the planet. they had just released their landmark album the joshua tree, which is still one of the best selling records of all time. and as a sort of tribute to the beatles, u 2 decided to film a roof top video of its own for the song where the streets have no name. thousands of fans showed up for the shoot. traffic screeched to a halt. then the police showed up and ruined everybody's fun. the band still got all the footage it needed and u 2 gave fan as joshua treat 26 years ago today. and now you know the news for this wednesday, march the


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